Wednesday, December 24, 2008


While perusing Dano's blog, I clicked on the London Calling album cover as instructed to check out the Brand New Cadillac video. Then I scrolled down the other vids and stumbled on this and this.......
closed my eyes and it 1979 all over again (only without the hash and Heineken).
The Aragon ballroom in Chicago was the place. I was 16 or 17 years old. Still one of the best rock shows I've ever seen.

Gosh....I hope my kids don't read this.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WHAT'S UP??.........

My blog vacation is over and I am once again ready to entertain..........(1 out of every 20 or so posts).

Not a whole lot happnen' lately.

-My annual "exercise in futility" of attempting to get smaller by lifting weights is under way.

-Been doing a little diving lately.....dumpster diving that is. I've found this dumpster that seems to produce an almost never ending supply of old bicycles. I've been able to give a few away to friends, keep a couple.....and one is so sweet that I am actually going to sell it for money...or keep it. (more on this when I get motivated to take some pics)

-In the last 2 months or so, we have put 1 dog and 1 cat to sleep and Jamie has moved out. It kinda sucks, but at the same time things have gotten quite "roomy" at Mi Casa de Esperanza (ask Carlos for translation)

-Barack Obama may very well turn out to be a decent president...time will tell, but I'll betcha he would have taken at least one of those stinky loafers right to the pie-hole.