Monday, January 19, 2009

STRATS GOT YOUR TOUNGE........................

Greg was just one of the neighborhood kids....
The only difference was he was mastering Jimmy Hendrix on the guitar in about the 3rd grade.
A little taste here (after the 3 minute mark it gets pretty nuts) and here.

Some of you have checked him out....the rest of you need to.

One of Tosa'a finest....(not a cop, but he is layin' down the law)


Anonymous said...

no shit. I behind him at airport securty. I recongnize him cuz he kinda looks like a Greenfield. I noticed him cuz he was carring his guitar.


DIHAF? said...

One of my favorite instructional videos- Tonus Diabolicus:

That was the devil's interval

Villas For Rent in Italy said...

You are looking good in this picture so you like music too.