Saturday, February 17, 2007


Last week when Russell busted his sheeeet on that low branch I remember saying to myself " I better take that down before somebody important gets hurt" Well....I forgot and sure enough, somebody important got hurt. Me.

No, I didn't break any teeth like he did, but that is most likely because my mouth was closed when I hit it. I do have a pretty stiff neck though. It hurts to even eat, but you can bet I'll find a way.
I plan to treat my stiff neck the same as I treat a stiff.....................Ya know, It kinda sucks that my kids and some of their friends read this lame blog. You would think they have better things to do.


Anonymous said...

Beat that neck, yo!

Dano said...

You think you have it bad.... my wifes lawyer reads mine!

Anonymous said...

Dude, you showed that hunk of lumber who is the boss. Well actually it first showed Russel who is boss, then it show you some moves. But in the end, it got what it deserves.

CE out

drd said...

Rub it out with icy hot...rub it out with icy hot.