Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Her friend Sam had a kickass solo. She rocks bigtime!!

I've said it before....Over the years, these concerts have gone from pure torture to very relaxing, enjoyable evenings.


MTB Girl said...

Sweet. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to say this. . . .but I played the violin from 4th grade up until I was in my second year of college. I was pretty good, although Bill doesn't think I ever really played. . . . .

It's a hard instrument. Kuddos to the Megatron. It takes a smart person to play a string instrument (maybe that's why Bill doesn't think I ever played. . . . .)

Anonymous said...

She has to be pretty good then. Because, I'm pretty sure that my mother ALWAYS thought they were torture, even the time I had the solo. (Flute and piccolo, though).