Monday, September 24, 2007


I got a few photography tips from Rusty today.


jwm said...

Maybe those tips were about picking your spot? If not, it looks like you picked a good one.

I'm thinking I might haul out the new camera to one of these race thingys one day.. It'd be fun.


Mike said...

Dang dude, you guys are getting TOO good!!! Gary must be pissed. I stole a pic btw...

rusty wrycza said...

That was a BLAST - yep, location, location, location... and then there's the LIGHTING - wow, this is the best stuff I've ever nabbed
Lets do it again at Sheyboygan!

Christine said...

Bubba, your pictures ROCK! I'd like to hang with you and Rusty next time for some photo lessons. I can't wait to have some down time in the off season to learn more about shooting.