SANTA SCORES BIG I wake up at 5:30am to hit BS at BS (Boston store at Brookfield square) by 6 in an attempt to get some Christmas shopping done and avoid the crowd. They had this sale going on where they give you a Godiva chocolate bar when you enter the store( that alone is enough to get me out of bed). The candy bar has a peel off sticker on it that when removed reveals your prize. Stuff like free gift wrap, FTD flowers, coupons for larger savings, etc. And then 1 in 3,000,000,000 people win the grand prize of a $500.00 shopping spree at BS. Well....I was that 1 guy.....500 clams baby...five hundy...jackpot....Merry Christmas Bubba. I had to restrain myself from doing the
money dance right in the middle of the store.
Yes sir......Bubba was ridin' high until
this clown reminds me that as long as I am saddled with the
three headed money magnet, I'll be lucky if I net a pair of socks for myself out of my new found fortune (talk about peeing in my punch bowl). Then he goes out and drops my sorry ass on a ride to boot. I think dude is leaving for Montana soon. Maybe he'll stay there.